Информация об изображении
Название: Small Wild Goose Pagoda, Xi'an The Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an is one of the city's more ancient Tang Dynasty monuments, dating from 709, the tower was built to house Buddhist scriptures brought back from India. It was damaged by several earthquakes in the medieval period, one of which caused a large fissure to open through it's centre, another later caused it to close again! There are several buildings surviving in the complex from the ancient temple that stood here, along with many animal sculptures. www.travelchinaguide.com/attraction/shaanxi/xian/small_go...
Загружено: 24.01.2020 19:23
Просмотров: 8
Размер изображения: 1704×2272 пикселей
Камера: u20D,S400D,u400D
ISO: 100
Фокусное расстояние: 5.8
Диафрагма: 3.1
Выдержка: 1/30
Вспышка: Использовалась
Программа: 06-1003

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