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Golden Buddha Shrine, Wat Triamit, Bangkok Wat Triamit was one of Bangkok's lesser temples until the amazing discovery of it's main attaction in 1955, when an old painted-stucco sculpture of the seated Buddha was being relocated to the temple; dropped by a crane during the process, the figure's stucco finished cracked, revealing beneath a beautiful solid gold statue, the largest in the World. The Golden Buddha is believed to date as far back as the 13th century, in the Sukhothai style. It is believed to have been moved to the previous capital Ayutthaya until it's sack by the Burmese, at which point the statue must have been disguised under a stucco layer to protect it from the invading forces who looted the city. It lay forgotten for a good two centuries in Bangkok before it's true importance was revealed again. Today it is housed in a brand new shrine at the Wat Triamit Temple complex in Bangkok's Chinatown. The new Temple takes the form of a terraced structure crowned by a golden-steepled tower, under which the Buddha has sat since his relocation here in February 2010. The new temple is quite stunning, especially since all it's gilt and marble was still less than a year old when we visited, a wonderful introdtuction to the glorious Buddhist sites of the city. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Buddha_%28statue%29 Golden Buddha Shrine, Wat Triamit, Bangkok Wat Triamit was one of Bangkok's lesser temples until the amazing discovery of it's main attaction in 1955, when an old painted-stucco sculpture of the seated Buddha was being relocated to the temple; dropped by a crane during the process, the figure's stucco finished cracked, revealing beneath a beautiful solid gold statue, the largest in the World. The Golden Buddha is believed to date as far back as the 13th century, in the Sukhothai style. It is believed to have been moved to the previous capital Ayutthaya until it's sack by the Burmese, at which point the statue must have been disguised under a stucco layer to protect it from the invading forces who looted the city. It lay forgotten for a good two centuries in Bangkok before it's true importance was revealed again. Today it is housed in a brand new shrine at the Wat Triamit Temple complex in Bangkok's Chinatown. The new Temple takes the form of a terraced structure crowned by a golden-steepled tower, under which the Buddha has sat since his relocation here in February 2010. The new temple is quite stunning, especially since all it's gilt and marble was still less than a year old when we visited, a wonderful introdtuction to the glorious Buddhist sites of the city. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Buddha_%28statue%29
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