Информация об изображении
Название: NYC: 99 Church Street 99 Church Street, built in 1951, contains 11-floors and 441,000 square feet of space. Otherwise nondescript the 161-foot box-like building boasts an entrance adorned with a gilded bas relief showing a frontiersman and a factory working clasping hands over the bounties of agriculture and industry. Insribed below it is an epigraph of Daniel Webster's dating from the 1830's: * Credit * * * * Man's Confidence in Man * * * Commercial credit is the creation of modern times and belongs in its hightest perfection only to the most enlightened and best-governed nations. Credit is the vital air of modern commerce. It has done more, a thousand times more, to enrich nations than all the mines of the world. In November 2006, real estate investor Larry A. Silverstein agreed to buy the building at 99 Church Street from Moody's for $170 million. In 2007, Moody's moved its headquarters into 7 World Trade Center.
Загружено: 14.01.2020 6:53
Просмотров: 31
Размер изображения: 1365×2048 пикселей
Камера: Canon PowerShot S230
Изменение фото: 3.07.2006 17:38
Съёмка фото: 3.07.2006 17:38
Запись в память камеры: 3.07.2006 17:38
Фокусное расстояние: 5.4
Диафрагма: 2.8
Выдержка: 1/125
Вспышка: Использовалась

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